02 03 Mama Dews Reviews: Making memories with #AdventureSanta 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Making memories with #AdventureSanta


I love Christmas time, it is by far, my favorite time of the year. I love decorating for the Holidays, the Christmas Tree, the lights, the music, cookie day...it all makes me very happy. There are so many family traditions that I still follow, from when I was a child, and my family enjoys them as much as I do. However, now that I have my own kids, I want to create some of our own traditions, and memories.

This year, I got to add what will be a new family tradition each year...He is called, Adventure Santa, and the memories that you will make, and the fun your kids will have, make him an awesome part of the Christmas Spirit!

Adventure Santa was created by a couple from Minnesota, and comes with a book, and plush doll, along with postcards that will have new adventures from Santa, written on them, each new day!

I was so excited to start this new tradition with my kids, and they have had a blast with the adventures Santa has already sent us on! We have done Christmas Arts and Crafts!

We have made Christmas goodies, and built a Gingerbread House! Santa even sent a kit to get us started!!

All this fun, and so much more to come. I can't wait to see what other adventures we get to go on, and to think, it all started with a little Christmas Spirit, and a book!!

Do you want Adventure Santa, to bring the fun of the Holidays to your house? Well, enter the giveaway below, for your chance to win your very own Adventure Santa! and from my family to your, Merry Christmas!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*The item in this post was received complimentary for review purposes. The opinions found within are purely my own*

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