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#BehindTheBlogger New Beginnings

#BehindTheBlogger New Beginnings

Well, here we are, nearly two weeks into 2017, and for some people things are still the same, and aren't going to change anytime soon. For others, the New Year brings New Beginnings...not necessarily in the form of resolutions, but a fresh start. It can be the new beginning of the single life, or a new relationship. It can be the start of finding ones self, or showing ones hidden self to new people. Whatever it is, a New Year is always a good time to try new things.

Now sure, there are people that will say "if you weren't doing anything before, what makes you think you will start doing something the next day?" Well, think about it, New beginnings have to start somewhere...there has to be a DAY ONE, why not make it the first of the year?

I know that this year if off to a pretty positive start for my family. I don't really make resolutions, but more so life goals, and I will tell you more about why in another post, but lets just say that for the longest time, life circumstances kept me from even attempting to set goals. But after the last Behind The Blogger post, I got to thinking, why am I letting things get in the way of starting towards some of the simpler goals that I have?

So, I acted...one of the goals that my husband and I have, is to buy the house that we are currently renting. Well, in March, we will have one year left on our lease, before we go into that process with our landlady. We need to spend the next year or so, really building our credit scores, and saving money, so that when the time comes, we are prepared. As a family of 5, with one of the members being a newborn, one being in school, and one being special needs, it can be hard to save money. It can be even harder when one parent can't work due to medical issues. That leaves us in a bit of a bind, HOWEVER, we are determined to make this work, even if we have to start of slow.

That being said, I hopped over to my Pinterest board, where I had saved all these different pins about how to save money, and I put two of them to work. One of them is the penny saving challenge...simple right? All I do is transfer the right about of change over from my checking to my savings, everyday, by the end of the year, that will be just over $667. Not bad for pennies!

Then, I started the $5 savings plan, another simple plan, but without a set amount you will have saved by the end of the year...its really just saving every $5 that's in your wallet, every time you break a larger bill...out of sight, out of mind, in a way. The end result/amount is entirely up to you.

With those two easy plans in place, I can focus on the next step, and in doing so, I have actually accomplished Day One of our New Beginnings on the home front. If I can apply that same outlook and determination to other life goals, then I can be successful with those as well.

Here's the difference between resolutions and life goals...New Year's Resolutions have a deadline - the end of the year - Life goals can last a lifetime, you only fail if you give up!

I have small goals for the year, sure, like upping my reach on this blog and my social media pages, and I will reach them if I keep working at them. The thing is, I am not setting a specific number, because I might not reach it, and that can cause a lack of motivation. Instead, if my numbers grow by even 100, then I have done exactly what I set out to do.

There is so much more to come this year, stay positive and positive things will happen. I hope you all will stick around the see what I can accomplish this year, and I hope you will share your accomplishments with me. Cheers to New Beginnings, and Happy New Year!

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 Thank you for reading a story from #BehindTheBlogger Hop. Every 2 weeks a group of bloggers is given a writing prompt. These prompts are very open ended, so our bloggers can write about whatever they desire. The main rule is that their blog post directly relates to the topic of that week. The point of this hop is for our readers to get to know us on a personal level.  Please hop along and read all of the blog posts in this weeks hop. Just click the links below. If you want real and raw emotion, then you will find it here. After you read each post, please comment and share. We want to get to know you too!

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