02 03 Mama Dews Reviews: Homeschooling Autism: The New Year 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Homeschooling Autism: The New Year


Let me start this post by saying, Happy New Year! I hope that each and every one of you, had a fantastic Holiday Season. I hope that 2017 is all that you hope it will be, and that in all aspects of your life, things are positive!

Now, I wanted to let you all know that I have started a new series on this blog, called Homeschooling Autism. As most of you know, my 9 year old son, has Autism. Due in part to the way he processes things, we made the ultimate decision to homeschool him, about 2 weeks into his 3rd grade year. We are currently finishing what is considered his 4th grade year, although truth be told, he isn't really in a grade level, as we tackle things based on his interest level as well as his skill set. This means that sometimes we are working at his grade level, and at other times we might be working above or below his grade level.

I wanted to take this new year, to do something a little different. So, starting this week, I will do a week in review post, that highlights what we have been doing, and where we are in our homeschooling journey. I will also be telling you our story, from pre-diagnosis, to now.

I will share pictures, articles, links to any curriculum we might be using, as well as the ups and downs of that particular week. I would love for anyone that is on this same type of journey, to follow along, and ask any questions you might have, share a piece of advice, or even share how your week has been. It is important to remember that, while each Autism journey is different, we are in this together, and there are some things that might work for all of us.

If you are struggling and need a shoulder, post a comment, and let us help. This is a NO JUDGMENT zone...I strive only to help those that are in the same boat as me. I know how frustrating things can be sometimes, so if you need to vent, then by all means do so!

I will be back on Sunday, to share the highlights of this week, but wanted to take a moment to introduce you all to this new series. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or anything else that you want to share, shoot me a comment below, and lets get to know one another!

Once again, Happy New Year!!

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