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Medical Alert ID Bracelets Review + Giveaway


As a mother of a child with Autism, every day starts with a prayer that the day with go smoothly, that he will be okay, and that I will be there at the end of the day to help him.

I worry more than people think I should, because this is my child, and nobody knows him like I do. Just looking at him, you might never know that he has Autism, but with the help of Mediband, I can tell people that he needs to be approached differently, because he has a condition that can cause him to bolt, or become unresponsive, if there is an emergency.

I wish I didn't worry about my child as much as I do, I wish that I could be secure in the fact that people would know how to treat him in an emergency situation. However, the reality is, unless they know that they are dealing with a child with Autism, how are they going to know how to treat him?

With all of the recent stories, of children with Autism wandering away from home, or their loved ones, I knew I needed to be proactive in helping my child be identified, in case the situation were to arise.

When I was contacted by Mediband to review these Medical Alert IDs, I jumped at the chance, and asked them if they had bands for those with Autism; thankfully they did. I had been going back and forth about what type of ID would be best for my child, after all, I need something that he will keep on, otherwise it does no good. My son has liked jelly bracelets for as long as I can remember, but I had not found one that would work for him, and would be able to give the proper information.

Thankfully, these bracelets from Mediband are customizable, and it is very easy to do, using a permanent marker. I was able to put the most important information on this bracelet for my son, and now I am secure in my thoughts that in the event of an emergency, he will be taken care of.

Having a medical alert bracelet is so important, as it may be the only way for first responders to give you the proper care. I highly suggest that if you or a loved one has a medical condition, please secure a medical alert ID, preferably one that is customizable, like these from Mediband.

Mediband has multiple products, geared towards safety, including Medical Condition Alert Wrist Bands (Kids and Adults)ICE bands, travel stickers, identification bands in different languages and write-on bands, as well as Kids Fever indicator (Awesome, cute new product!), Wallet Cards, medical jewelery and First Aid Kits.

I am very happy with this product, and am beyond thrilled to be able to offer one of you a chance to get one of these bands for yourself or a loved one. Head on over to the Mama Dews Reviews Facebook page, and enter to win. It is very simple, just answer a question!

*I received the item in this post complimentary for review purposes. All opinions found within are purely my own*

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