02 03 Mama Dews Reviews: Andes Mint Flavored Coffee, enjoying the best of both worlds! 04 05 15 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33

Andes Mint Flavored Coffee, enjoying the best of both worlds!

When I was growing up, there was this little restuarant in Colorado, that my mom used to take us to, they had the best chicken, and always gave us clown sundaes...but my favorite part, was when mom went to pay the tab, and at the desk, they had a bowl full of Andes after dinner mints.

I LOVED those mints, but we only got them when we went to the restaurant. Then when I was a little older, Lunchables came out with a deluxe model, that contained one highly coveted piece of Andes mint chocolate. Oh, that was for sure the go to item in elementary school.

Now that I am older, my love for Andes mint hasn't gone away, and now I can have it more than one way...enter Andes Mint Chocolate Flavored Coffee, from Two Rivers. Oh My Goodness!!

This coffee is amazing...the mint flavor is superb, and is the first element to hit your palate, followed by the sweet chocolate flavor, giving you the ultimate cup of coffee, no matter the time of day.

This is a limited edition flavor, and the awesome people over at Two Rivers, are giving one of you wonderful readers a chance to win a 40 ct box of this Andes Mint Chocolate flavored coffee, and what better way to end the night, then curled up on the couch, with a roaring fire, sipping on a hot cup of minty wonderfulness?! So go, enter below, I promise, you wont be disappointed!

Andes Mint Chocolate Coffee

*I received the item in this post complimentary for review purposes. All opinions found within are purely my own*

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